Wednesday, April 11, 2007

New York, New York - are you my future?

So I recently returned from my spring break in the Big Apple. (And with a blizzard for half of the trip it did not feel very springy, but we made due none the less and got spray tans when we got home haha!)

I posted earlier about how I wanted to have a fun, career-free break. No interviews, just me and the city (plus my dad and my friend but hey who's counting?) Turns out, it was one of the most career-heavy times of my life.

I need some advice - go to New York or do not go to New York. I feel like tossing a coin and deciding my future. I have dreamed about moving to NYC since I was 12 but have always wondered about living in such an expensive city on such a tiny salary. It suddenly hit me as I was buying $14 cocktails that I'm not sure an entry level PR account coordinator making 33 before taxes can flourish in this city, let alone survive.

I have decided my future is either going to New York or staying in Atlanta, my two favorites cities - albeit I have a lack on major city knowledge - never been to LA or Boston, etc. My family is in Atlanta, most of my friends are in Atlanta, but the dream life I created when I was 12 is in New York.

Any thoughts? I need all the advice I can get!

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